How EFT tapping works

What is Clinical EFT (Tapping) and how can it work for you when you feel stuck?

young woman of colour wearing orange sweatshirt smiling with eyes closed and arms crossed and holding her shoulders

Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a stress reduction tool that works with your mind and body.

Because it works with both the mind and body, it is very efficient at creating progress that lasts, for challenges both big and small—procrastination, cravings, anxiety, addictions, phobias, depression, PTSD and more.

EFT is a combination of traditional forms of psychology such as exposure therapy and cognitive therapy with a body-based component—tapping on acupressure points.

Have you noticed that when you’re stressed, you feel sensations in your body?

four coloured bubbles with text inside describing physical sensations

Perhaps your heart beats faster, your palms get sweaty, or your stomach tenses up? It’s difficult to talk your way out of these sensations because they are actually signs of trapped survival stress in the body.

By calming the body through the use of specific acupressure points, Clinical EFT helps you to rapidly release this stress.

Are you ready to reduce the stress in your life?

Get matched with one of our friendly, experienced practitioners.

Benefits of Clinical EFT Tapping

It’s safe, natural, & drug free 

You don’t have to talk about your trauma

Fast & effective

No doctor referral needed to begin

We only use your words during the process

Some EFT techniques require very few words

Trauma-informed with the right practitioner

Easily adjusted for clients who are finding a session too intense

Easy to learn, so you can help yourself

Holistic—includes both the mind and body

Clinical EFT Acupressure Points

In EFT we include the body in the process, by acknowledging sensations and gently using our fingers to tap on acupressure points located on the head and upper body.

Research on clinical EFT tells us that it is the tapping on the acupressure points that adds speed and power to the process.

We know from clinical research that these acupressure points influence the amygdala (stress-centre of the brain) and the hippocampus (memory centre of the brain). This helps us to calm down quickly and process stress.

In Clinical EFT we tap on the following acupressure points:

young man in black polo shirt tapping on side of hand with orange dots on acupressure points on his face and upper body
  • Top of the Head

  • Eyebrow

  • Side of eye

  • Under the eye

  • Under the nose

  • Chin

  • Collarbone

  • Side of hand

  • Under the arm

The format of Clinical EFT Sessions

1. We first identify a goal, a thought, emotion, sensation, or event that you want to feel differently about. 

2. We focus on a recent or future event by asking: “When was the last time you felt this way?” or “When is the next time you expect to feel this way?”

3. We then ask the whole mind/body system how it feels now when you think about the event: “Where do you feel this in your body?”

4. We use this information to create a ‘set-up statement’, saying it three times while tapping on the side of the hand, and then tapping through all of the acupressure points. This is one ‘round’ of EFT.

5. We revisit the scenario and how it makes you feel.


Set-up statement, while tapping on side of hand:

“Even though I feel upset about what my boss said to me, and I feel it in my chest, I accept this is how I feel right now.”

Tapping through each point repeating: “I feel upset”

The effects of EFT on the body and mind

Each round of EFT reduces the intensity of the emotion, sensations and situation you are focusing on. Emotions may shift with each round, for example from anger to frustration to sadness. We stick with these ‘negative’ emotions until the body and mind reach a more calm and accepting state. It is common for people to receive insights and realisations from round to round. This may include understanding why they feel the way they do and what they can do next about their situation.

The result is finally being able to feel, think and behave differently in regards to your challenge. In other words, EFT helps get you unstuck!

Is it time to see how EFT can get you unstuck? We’d love to help you.