Jules Vandermaat,Tapping with Jules, EFT Trainer and Mentor
Hi, I’m Jules. I’m the founder of Clinical EFT Connect and the first point of contact for all our clients.
My mission is to connect people with the highest standard of Clinical EFT available and for Clinical EFT to be seen as a valid and sensible option for anyone seeking to change the way they think, feel, and behave.
I have been a Social Worker for 35 years and for the past eight years, people have come to know me as the woman behind Tapping with Jules.
Tapping with Jules is my successful private practice which I built up based on my vast experience working with people who have experienced sexual trauma.
Using clinical EFT with people who have a lot of trapped survival stress (trauma) in their bodies requires specialist knowledge, skills and experience.
I have dedicated my career to developing ways of practicing EFT that keep clients within their window of tolerance, which has led to me becoming an internationally recognised expert on EFT for sexual trauma.
As there are so few people with a mental health background who become certified in EFT, my combination of skills as a therapist and expertise in EFT and trauma, made me a rare bird. And as great as this was for my business, I wanted this to change. I wanted this combination of skills to become normal.
I had a waitlist all the time. I couldn’t even see all of the people who wanted to see me.
I knew I needed to build a tribe of Certified EFT practitioners with this same combination of skills and passion.
I became an EFT Trainer so I could teach others how to do EFT the “slow, safe and gentle way”, as I found my methods were so effective for the traumatised people I worked with.
My “Future Focused” and goal oriented approach to Clinical EFT works equally well for people who do NOT have a lot of trauma trapped in their bodies.
It is about keeping it simple, making it repeatable (so clients know how to practice EFT at home themselves) and ensuring that we always know what we are working on and why. With a big focus on educating clients along the way.
All people love to see that the money they spend on EFT is paying off as they know they are achieving their goals. This approach encourages people to want to do more EFT, on themselves as well as with a great practitioner.
These days I specialise in training, mentoring and certifying all kinds of people, including mental health professionals like me, to become safe, gentle, trauma informed EFT practitioners.
Now, I am also putting my decades of knowledge and experience behind Clinical EFT Connect — a business, a mission and a team of practitioners I am immensely proud of and passionate about.
Together, we are bringing in the Fourth Wave of Therapy which is body based, somatic in nature and therefore supercharged.
We are changing the way therapy is done; by bringing the body into therapy in safe and gentle ways we make it more effective and even fun.
The empowering nature of EFT is the real bonus, as we also teach our clients how to help themselves with EFT, so they can independently manage their own health.
You can read more about my story and how I teach EFT at my other website: Tapping with Jules.
We know that EFT works.
Our mental health system is overburdened and there has never been a more important time than now, for properly trained, compassionate and experienced practitioners to help those who need it.
Book a free call with me to learn how EFT can help you feel better, faster.